Today Blake's preschool class got to go to the Pumpkin Patch. When we got there we got to take a hay ride! After the hay ride the kids got a snack of pretzels and "pumpkin juice" while they watched the pig races. Then they got to feed the chickens and goats. And finally, Blake got to pick out his very own pumpkin! He was so funny, he saw the hay pile that the kids play in and ran straight to it. I coaxed him out to find a pumkin. He ran up to the first one he saw(which was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen) and said "ok, here". hahaha I told him to find a prettier one and he picked a better one out. The one in the picture is not his though, he was too busy to take a picture with his! He played on the hay pile with the other kids which had a slide and tunnel. They LOVED it! Last year Chris had to make him get up there and after a while he was fine...but this year as soon as he saw it, he ran straight up to the top! Not scared at all! He is growing up so fast. Here is a comparison of last year and this year, and some other pictures from today.